Systems Section
The systems interface is the section where the console admin can manage preloaded passwords, preloaded systems and attributes of his company agents.
2.5.1 Preloaded passwords
Preloaded passwords are a not editable password objects displayed in users’ MDC applications which are fully added, generated and managed by the console managers. Upload passwords list section
In this section, the console manager can download an Excel file which is a template of a list of preloaded passwords that he fills in order to reimport it later.
- First step: The console manager clicks on “Download template” button, “Preload-Password-Template-MDC.xlsx” file will be downloaded.
Second step: The console manager fills the fields with preloaded passwords information that he wants to add, fields are:
- “System, Url, Device”: The equivalent of “website url” field in the password interface in the application.
- “Login”: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can provide the login he uses to access to the target URL
- “Shareable (y/n)”: In this field, the console manager can make the created preloaded password shareable or not.
- “Level (Bronze, Silver, Gold)”: In this field the console manager can specify in what security level the preloaded password will be stored.
- “See Password (y/n)”: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can see the password field or not.
- “Copy password (y/n)”: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can copy the password field or not.
- “Attributes (; separated, ‘all’ or leave blank)”: In this field, the console manager can separate attributes that he wants to add to the actual preloaded password by a semicolon ” ; ” or leave blank , or enter “all” to attach all attributes.
- “Expired after”: In this field, the console manager can enter a date after it the preloaded password will be expired (deleted)
- “Notes”: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can enter a description or any text he wants.
- “Password”: The console manager can type manually the password he wants.
If you fill password field, don’t fill the generate password criteria (number of characters, include lowercase, uppercase, special characters).
- ”# Characters”: The console manager can enter the number of characters that he wants the created password will be composed of.
- ”# Include lowercase letters”: The console manager can enter the number of lowercase letters that he wants the created password will be composed of.
- ”# Include uppercase letters”: The console manager can enter the number of uppercase letters that he wants the created password will be composed of.
- ”# Include numbers”: The console manager can enter the number of numbers that he wants the created password will be composed of.
- ”# Include special characters”: The console manager can enter the number of special characters that he wants the created password will be composed of.
- “Folder”: In this field the console manager can choose or create a new folder which can the preloaded passwords in the list be classified with.
- “Operation”: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can enter a description or any text he wants.
- “System”: In this field the console manager can enter one of the specified systems that MyCena can update the password field.
- “Auto update timer”: In this field, the console manager can enter a frequency (number of days) after them the password will be updated.
Third step: The console manager clicks on “Upload template” button and selects the “Preload-Password-Template-MDC.xslx” file:
- A table similar to “preloaded passwords list” table will be displayed containing the list of the preloaded passwords from the template selected, if a row contains an error or an invalid field it will be shown as a warning icon in the beggining of the row, with a detailed text about the error.
- The console manager has the option to edit or delete a row from the list before updating it.
Fourth step: The console manager clicks on “confirm” button and confirms his password in order to add the uploaded preloaded passwords in the template to the “Preloaded passwords” table.
The “Automatic update” feature is used to make the preloaded password connected with a system that the console manager selects in order to make the password field updated :
- Every number of days configured.
- Every time the console manager updates the password field of the preloaded password.
This feature works only if the ” Manage auto update preload password ” Add-on is enabled for the current company. Preloaded passwords section
- The “Preloaded passwords” section is composed of the main table of Preloaded passwords and actions that the console manager can do related to that table. Actions
Change lines per page: The console manager can change the pagination of the “preloaded password” table.
Show/hide columns: The console manager can custom the columns that he wants to be displayed in the “preloaded password” table.
Update icons: The console manager can select multiple preloaded passwords in order to update their icons.
Update icons: The console manager can select multiple preloaded systems in order to update their icons.
Export all passwords: The console manager can click on the “Export all passwords” button, and an email which has an excel file as an attachment containing the list of all preloaded passwords will be sent to his mail address. The password field in this file will be empty, and it will contain an additional field “overwrite password” wich indicates if the file will be reipmoirted the password filed will be overwritten or not.
Export selected items: The console manager can click on the “Export selected items” button, then he be will asked if the file that he wants to download will have as extension “.xlsx” or “.pdf” and enters the file name. After that, a file containing the displayed preloaded passwords depending on the pagination will be donwloaded.
Export all with password: The console manager can click on the “Export all with password” button, and an email containing an excel file as an attachment containing the list of all preloaded passwords will be sent to his mail address. The password field in this file will be empty.
Download delete template: The console manager can click on the “Download delete template” button,”Password-Delete-Template-MDC.xslx” file will be downloaded in which the console manager enters the combination of “System, Url, Device/Login” fields of the preloaded passwords that he wants to delete.
Import delete template: The console manager can click on “Import delete template” button in order to import an excel file containing the combination of “System, Url, Device/Login” fields of the preloaded passwords that he wants to delete.
Delete passwords: The console manager can click on “Delete passwords” in order to select preloaded passwords from the table to delete.
FTP/SFTP configuration (needed for contingency plan): The console manager can click on “FTP/SFTP configuration” button in order to configure a connection to a server in which MyCena Desk Center will save the list of the preloaded passwords as an encrypted backup file for a contingency plan.
This feature works only if the ” Manage contingency plan ” Add-on is enabled for the current company.
This file can be decrypted using ” MyCena Desk Center Contingency Application ” which will be stored in the same location with the file, fields are:
- Host: The hostname or IP address of the remote server in which the user will find the file and the decryption application.
- Port: The port number used for the ftp (File Transfer Protocol) / sftp (Secure File Transfer Protocol) conncetion, typically 21 for FTP and 22 for SFTP which is an extension of the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol and typically uses port 22.
- Username: The username or service account used to bind and authenticate with the server.
- Password: The password used to bind and authenticate with the server.
Path: The path of the directory in the server which the file and the decryption application will stored.
After while configuring the the connection form, MDC will daily save a backup file using saved parameters.
- A daily email will be sent to the “Owner” and “SuperAdmin” users, containing a file “ContingecyPlanKey2” which contains string key which will be concatenated to the string key contained in the “ContingecyPlanKey1” which should be downloaded from the Profile interface.
- The user opens “MyCena Desk Center Contingency Application” and enters the combination of the two keys (ContingecyPlanKey1+ContingecyPlanKey2) in the “Encryption Key” field.
- The user clicks on “Select encrypted file” and chooses the file that he downloaded from the server configured in the first steps.
- The passwords are well decrypted and displayed in the application and the user has the ability to click on “Download Decrypted file” in order to have an excel file containing his preloaded passwords.
Add single preload password: The console manager clicks on “Add password” button, “Preload a password” pop-up will be displayed containing:
- Image: The console manager can keep the automatic icon related to the url introduced or he can choose one of the listed icons.
- Url: The equivalent of “website url” field in the password interface in the application.
- Automatic update: The console manager can activate the “automatic update” feature for this preloaded password by clicking on this toggle button:
- Select system: The console manager selects one of the systems which MyCena can auto update its password field.
- Interval: The console manager selects if the automatic update will be “Once” ( every time the password field is updated ) or “Frequency” ( every number of days ).
- Every: The console manager enters the frequency of changement of password as number of days.
- Login: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can provide the login he uses to access to the target URL
- Password: This field contains the password which can be generated with specific rules or entered by the console manager.
- See password: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can see the password field or not.
- Copy password: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can copy the password field or not.
- Expires: In this field, the console manager can select a date after it the preloaded password will be expired (deleted).
- Note: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can enter a description or any text he wants.
- Shareable: In this field, the console manager can make the created preloaded password shareable or not
- Level: In this field the console manager can specify in what security level the preloaded password will be stored.
- Folder: In this field the console manager can choose or create a new folder which can the passwords in the list be classified with.
- Operation: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can enter a description or any text he wants.
- Attributed: In this field the console manager can choose an attribute or list of attributes that the actual preloaded password will be attached to. Preloaded passwords table
- This table is composed of columns:
Url, Login, See password, Copy password, Expires, Note, Shareable, Level, Folder, Attributes, Operation, System, Auto-update frequency, Auto-update result ( this field indicates if the password field is well updated or there is an error), Actions (Update preloaded password, Delete preloaded password ).
2.5.2 Preloaded systems
Preloaded systems are passwords displayed in the MDC application which are partially managed by the console manager, not fully like preloaded passwords, because the “login”, “password” and “Note” fields will be generated by the application user so that they will be different from one user to an other. Upload systems list section
In this section, the console manager can download an Excel file which is a template of a list of preloaded systems that he fills in order to reimport it later.
First step: The console manager clicks on “Download template” button, “Preload-system-Template-MDC.xlsx” file will be downloaded.
Second step: The console manager fills the fields with preloaded systems information that he wants to add, fields are:
- “System, Url, Device”: The equivalent of “website url” field in the password interface in the application.
- ”# Characters”: The console manager can enter the number of characters that he wants the password field of the created system will be composed of.
- ”# Include lowercase letters”: The console manager can enter the number of lowercase letters that he wants the password field of the created system will be composed of.
- ”# Include uppercase letters*”: The console manager can enter the number of uppercase letters that he wants the password field of the created system will be composed of.
- ”# Include numbers*”: The console manager can enter the number of numbers that he wants the password field of the created system will be composed of.
- ”# Include special characters”: The console manager can enter the number of special characters that he wants the password field of the created system will be composed of.
- “Shareable* (y/n)”: In this field, the console manager can make the password field of the created preloaded system shareable or not.
- “Level* (Bronze, Silver, Gold)”: In this field the console manager can specify in what security level the preloaded system will be stored.
- “See Password* (y/n)”: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can see the password field or not.
- “Copy password* (y/n)”: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can copy the password field or not.
- “Attributes (; separated, ‘all’ or leave blank)”: In this field, the console manager can separate attributes that he wants to add to the actual preloaded system by a semicolon ” ; ” or leave blank , or enter “all” to make to attach all attributes.
- “Change Password Frequency”: In this field, the console manager enters a number of days after them a “change” flag will be displayed and the application user has to generate a new password for this preloaded system.
- “Folder”: In this field the console manager can choose or create a new folder which can the preloaded systems in the list be classified with.
- “Operation”: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can enter a description or any text he wants.
Third step: The console manager clicks on “Upload template” button and selects the “Preload-system-Template-MDC.xlsx” file.
- A table similar to “preloaded systems list” table will be displayed containing the list of the preloaded systems from the template selected, if a row contains an error or an invalid field it will be shown as a warning icon in the beggining of the row, with a detailed text about the error.
- The console manager has the option to edit or delete a row from the list before updating it.
Fourth step: The console manager clicks on “confirm” button and confirms his password in order to add the uploaded preloaded systems in the template to the “Preloaded systems” table. Preloaded systems section
The “Preloaded systems section” section is composed of the main table of Preloaded systems and actions that the console manager can do related to that table. Actions
Change lines per page: The console manager can change the pagination of the “preloaded systems” table.
Show/hide columns: The console manager can custom the columns that he wants to be displayed in the “preloaded systems” table.
- Update icons: The console manager can select multiple preloaded systems in order to update their icons.
- Export all systems: The console manager can click on the “Export all systems” button, and an email which has an excel file as an attachment containing the list of all preloaded systems will be sent to his mail address.
- Export selected items: The console manager can click on the “Export selected items” button, then he will asked if the file that he wants to download will has as extension “.xlsx” or “.pdf” and enters the file name. After that, a file containing the displayed preloaded systems depending on the pagination will be donwloaded.
- Delete systems: The console manager can click on “Delete systems” in order to select preloaded systems from the table to delete.
- Add single preloaded system: The console manager clicks on “Add a system” button, “Preload a system” pop-up will be displayed containing:
- Image: The console manager can keep the automatic icon related to the url introduced or he can choose one of the listed icons.
- Url: The equivalent of “website url” field in the password interface in the application.
- Password timer: In this field, the console manager enters a number of days after them a “change” flag will be displayed and the application user has to generate a new password for this preloaded system.
- Password length: The console manager can enter the number of characters that he wants the password field of the created system will be composed of.
- Include lowercase : The console manager can enter the number of lowercase letters that he wants the password field of the created system will be composed of.
- Include uppercase : The console manager can enter the number of uppercase letters that he wants the password field of the created system will be composed of.
- Include numbers: The console manager can enter the number of numbers that he wants the password field of the created system will be composed of.
- Include special characters: The console manager can enter the number of special characters that he wants the password field of the created system will be composed of.
- See password: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can see the password field or not.
- Copy password: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can copy the password field or not.
- Level: In this field the console manager can specify in what security level the preloaded system will be stored.
- Folder: In this field the console manager can choose or create a new folder which can the preloaded systems in the list be classified with.
- Operation: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can enter a description or any text he wants.
- Attributed: In this field the console manager can choose an attribute or list of attributes that the actual preloaded system will be attached to. Preloaded systems table
- This table is composed of columns:
- Url, Password length, include lowercase, include uppercase, include number, include special characters, See password, Copy password, Password timer, Shareable, Level, Folder, Attributes, Operation, Actions (Update preloaded system, Delete preloaded system).
2.5.3 Manage attributes Introduction to attributes
Attributes are like kits which encapsulate a number of users, preloaded passwords, preloaded systems, credit cards.
An attribute can be attached to one user and multiple ressources (preloaded passwords, preloaded systems, credit cards), in this use case the ressources will be displayed only for the concerned user so that we suggest to name the attribute “FirstName LastName” or “Username”.
An attribute can be attached to multiple users and one ressource(preloaded password, preloaded system, credit card), in this case the ressource will be displayed for the concerned users so that we suggest to name the attribute with one of the meaningful fields of the ressource ( Operation, Note, Url …).
An attribute can be attached to multiple users and multiple ressources, in this use case the ressources will be displayed for the concerned users so that we suggest to name the attribute with the common points between users and ressources ( IT department, Marketing team, updatable passwords …).
- Add attribute
- The console manager can click on “Add attribute” button, “Add new attribute” pop-up will be displayed containing:
- “Attribute name”: It is a required filed in which the console manager provides a name of the attribute, so that a user can select it when creating or updating a resource.
- Users: The console manager choose and select the users who will have this attribute.
- Preloaded passwords: The console manager choose and select the preloaded passwords which will have this attribute.
- Preloaded systems: The console manager choose and select the preloaded systems which will have this attribute.
- Credit cards: The console manager choose and select the credit cards which will have this attribute. Attributes table
- This table is composed of columns:
- Name, Number of users, Number of preloaded passwords, Number of preloaded systems, Number of credit cards, Actions (Update attribute, Delete attribute).